сряда, 28 март 2012 г.

Treatment of Foot Fungus with honey and lemon

Very often the object of attack by various fungi is the skin between the toes. Sure sign of their development is intense itching and a few days and pungent odor. Should NOT leave the development of the fungus to gain size. Treatment is mandatory because of the danger to pass the fungus and your family.

To treat fungus has many options. One of them is with medication and the second is to trust the folk medicine. Among the many options is the one with honey, lemon and mint.
Honey is one of the best antioxidants. Helps to treat many diseases including those of the skin.

If you suffer from yeast can use the following ointment. Strain the juice of two lemons. Dilute the amount of juice with the same amount of water. Place on stove and let it begin to boil add honey and allow to melt. Then add the mint leaves. Allow to cool and transfer the liquid in plastic or glass bottle.

With so potion anoint your toes stay with her for 15 minutes and then rinse. To escape from the fungus is necessary to brush with this lotion every night within 10 days. If you also have itching and bad odor can repeat the procedure and in the morning.

Foot Fungus

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