сряда, 28 март 2012 г.

How to deal with foot funfus

This is a very nasty problem - both healthy and aesthetically. Here's what you should know to protect yourself from it or if you already have it, Lose it as quickly and efficiently.

What is fungus?

These are microorganisms that are all around us. Very often they fall into the human body and cause other shit, known under the name of athlete's foot. One of the most common fungal diseases are those in the legs, especially on the feet.

Infection occurs in direct contact with the sick person or his property. There are factors that contribute to infection - small sores, sweating, dry skin. Reason for fungal disease may be a weak immune system or prolonged treatment with antibiotics.

Fungi in nails and skin of the feet

If you think the fungus on the feet are a great rarity, forgot - they suffer every fourth person. Most vulnerable in this respect are people suffering from deformities, diabetes and chronic diseases, also those who wear tight shoes or abuse alcohol and cigarettes.

Good to know that fungi grow best in moist and warm environment, including dead skin cells, and in those parts of the legs that are poorly ERA or have corns. The place most often appear between the third and fourth toe, but may affect the heels, feet and nails.

Nobody is insured against fungi, especially having in mind that they can touch any places and in all circumstances, for example if you use common things with someone who has a fungus. These items may be various: bath sponges, slippers, clothes, shoes ... You can get infected and if get into a sauna, solarium and gym, where you had gone before anyone has a fungus.

What are the symptoms?

They are itching, burning, peeling and sore skin.

There is much more obvious symptoms - for nail fungus (onychomycosis) nail to modify: distorts is, hardens, changes its color to yellow-brown or black, it becomes friable. If you cover the entire nail fungus is no longer possible to cut with ordinary scissors.

It is important not podminesh these symptoms without understanding what they mean. Many people assume that the thickening of the nail deformity or unusual things. So do not samouspokoyavay and go to the doctor - so you know if you do not have a contagious infection caused by a fungus!

What is the treatment?

These diseases are extremely stubborn and annoying. Their treatment requires great perseverance and patience and can last up to 3-4 months. In the pharmacy there any antifungal agents, clotrimazole, Lamizil, Nizoral, etc. Daktakort. Whoever you choose to take effect it must follow these rules:

A. At the outset of treatment is required to process your shoes with formaldehyde, 25 per cent formalin solution or vinegar. For this purpose he bought from a pharmacy in formalin tablets. Put all your shoes in a plastic bag and placed in formalin tablet. Close bag tightly and leave shoes so for 24 hours. Then be sure to ventilate them and now you can wear them.

2. You anoint thee to the infected area with the selected product every day, twice - morning and evening.

3. Before namazhesh, wash your feet with soap and water and dry them properly and soaking in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. It is also sold in pharmacies.

4. Clean well the dead skin cells using a pumice stone or foot scrub. As you know, in the name of hygiene pumice must be only yours! This also applies to scissors and any other things that handle your toenails! Even if you had nothing, not anyone else these things - it's like giving yourself a toothbrush!

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